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Don't Go It Alone! Read These Stop Smoking Tips!

Jul 6

Don't Go It Alone! Read These Stop Smoking Tips!

Smoking is a bad habit, ruining your health, and it's extremely difficult to quit. We all try various methods along the way, and normally they don't work. Eventually the temptation to pick up a cigarette can be too much to bear. The advice in this article will provide you with the best ways to quit smoking once and for all.

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Though aversion therapies have gotten a bad rap recently, they do sometimes work in helping you to stop smoking. They do not need to be extravagant methods and you don't need to pay a therapist to employ aversion techniques. Try the simple things, such as permeating your favorite sweater with the smoke from that last cigarette you smoke. Then reach for it after not smoking for a day or two; you will be appalled at the offensive odor that you have been subjecting yourself and others to on a daily basis.


Would switching brands help you in your goal? This can be especially effective if you buy a brand you know is unpleasant in taste or smell. Both limiting the number of cigarettes you smoke and not inhaling while smoking may help you quit. This technique will get you into a mindset to quit smoking.


A very important factor to stop smoking is to have a good attitude and lots of motivation. Think about the improvement to your life you will have. Your breath will not smell like stale tobacco any longer, nor will your home. Your teeth may even be whiter! If the side effects of smoking are not enough to motivate you, think about the many different benefits.


If the cigarettes you smoke after meals are some of the hardest to give up, replace the habit of smoking after eating with brushing your teeth or chewing minty gum. Slowly, you will break your old habit and build a much healthier association between finishing a meal and freshening your breath.


The best way to quit for good is to quit for the right reasons. You should not quit for the people around you. You should quit for yourself. You should make a decision that you want to live a happier, healthier lifestyle and stick to it. This is the best way to ensure success.


As bad as your urge is, it is not okay to take even one little puff. People who are trying to quit smoking believe that it will not harm them to have one puff of a cigarette. The problem is, this one puff leads to one whole cigarette, and then to one whole pack.


Remember the following acronym forever: N.O.P.E. It stands for "never one puff, ever." This will be a lifelong motto for you to follow, and it should be your mantra when you are tempted to have "just that one" cigarette. Even if you are out drinking with friends, remember to say N.O.P.E. to that puff!


Hopefully, the advice in this article will have provided you with all the information you need to stop smoking. While it might seem like an insurmountable task, it is entirely possible, as long as you know what you are doing. Use the tips listed here and look forward to a life free of cigarettes!